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A Nightmare on Shawn Street – the Animated Podcast
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This week we’re going to share with you how we worked with the Thor of the health and fitness world, Shawn Stevenson to turn his podcast episode Nightmare on Shawn Street into an animation. We have created a number of animated videos for Shawn but seeing as it’s Halloween this week we thought we’d start with our scariest short.
Shawn is the creator and host of the #1 Health Podcast, The Model Health Show. He’s also a bestselling author of Sleep Smarter, an entrepreneur and founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance providing his expertise worldwide.
The brief?
Shawn wanted us to maximize the value of his podcasts and grab the attention of potential clients with something new!
He had another health and fitness expert, Drew Manning on his show. Drew is the author of the New York Times best-seller, Fit2Fat2Fit where he gained and lost 75lbs in an experiment! Also, he is the unchallenged King of Keto and has his own podcast and TV show.
The clip we selected from the video interview was of Shawn and Drew talking about Drew’s morning routine being disrupted by the kids waking up.
Check it out below…