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New year, new marketing goals: How to set goals you can actually meet

Loves to write, loves to research, and loves the performance of all things social & blog strategy.

New Year, New Me Marketing Goals. 

While I spend the next couple days trying to hype myself up to put away holiday decor (it won’t happen until the end of January), I’m also working on setting personal and marketing goals.

Here are some tips:

1️. Start with your overall business goals. Before you can set any marketing goals, you have to understand what it is you hope to achieve at the business this year overall. Want to increase sales? Drop new products? Improve client retention? Align your marketing goals to support your business goals. 

2. Set achievable goals. Aim high, realistically. What are your resources and budget? Consider your past performance over 2022 and set goals that are ambitious but still achievable. 

3. SMART goals. There’s a reason why so many pro marketers swear by SMART goals. They work! Be specific and measurable. Instead of just saying, “I want more TikTok followers,” set a specific number or target. I.e. “I will increase my engagement by 30% on TikTok by Q2.” If you can’t measure it, then you can’t know when you’ve achieved success. 

4. Make a plan. Set a plan for achieving your benchmarks. A marketing calendar via a project management tool like Notion, or Asana that identifies target audiences. The more detailed your plan, the more likely you are to succeed! 

5. Track your progress. Regularly review your progress against your goals to see how you’re doing. This will help you readjust your plan and goals along the way if necessary.

Want a little feedback on your marketing goals? Let us know your top marketing objectives on Twitter by tagging @The_SauceFFS and we’ll compile them for next week’s newsletter, and include our thoughts. 

Happy New Year from all of us at The Sauce!