Today's Picks

4 Easy Ways to Animate MidJourney Images (V5.2 – September 2023)

By Taylor Peterson | 09-21-2023

A few simple ways to create beautiful MidJourney animations from your generated images.

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The Future of Creative Tech: Web3 for Marketers Demystified

By Jon Briggs | 04-25-2023

How web3, NFTs, and the metaverse echo time-tested marketing principles with a tech-driven twist.

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MidJourney V5 Update: What To Know

By Taylor Peterson | 03-28-2023

The MidJourney V5 update is revolutionizing the AI image generation landscape with its powerful photorealism, opening up a world of creative possibilities for content creators and digital marketers. With the ability to generate stunning, realistic images – from Polaroids of fictional characters to captivating video backgrounds – V5 has become the talk of the town.

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Join the 12-Week Community Building Cohort

Running through April 2023

Real community, built together in real-time.

Imagine having access to a secret club where everyone is working towards the same goal: turning online audiences into genuine communities that trust, advocate, and invest in you.

pick your flavor

Futuristic with a side of NFTs? Curious about how to grow on Instagram? Maybe the fundamentals of 2D animation is more your taste. We've got something on the menu for everyone. These are our special interest columns.

Unconventional Content

What we've done and how we did it. A public diary of our work (and progress!) by the team at Food Fight Studios.

Creator Marketing

The go-to for digital entrepreneurs, content creators and small businesses. This is where we share the secret sauce for building your brand.

Future Formats

Connecting the dots between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 for creators and content marketers. We cover our POV on NFTs, the creator economy, communities, and new formats.